Ik ben in 1958 geboren te Oldenzaal. Daar tot mijn 20 ste jaar gewoond. Woon momenteel in Zeeland na 16 jaar in de Randstad. Altijd in min of meerdere mate geboeid door schilderen en tekenen. Momenteel gebruik ik de mensfiguur (geabstraheerd) in mijn werk in contrast met een abstracte achtergrond. Daarnaast wordt ik geboeid door tekens, letters en cijfers. Vanaf eind 2008 gaat mijn werk een meer abstracte kant op. Soms gebruik ik een flarde tekst. Ik begin meestal intuitief en in een later stadium weeg ik het meer af. Ik voel me bij het schrijven over mijn werk niet echt op mijn gemak, ik vind dat de beelden van mijn schilderijen/tekeningen voor zich moeten spreken. 06 46584710

Ben Game - Middelburg NL


Born in 1958, Oldenzaal the Netherlands. Due to his urge towards drawing and painting, Ben Game studied at the 'Vrije Academie' in The Hague and the 'Academy of Visual Arts' in Rotterdam. What identifies Ben Game as an artist is courage and full powers of self-transformation. That courage, meaning not being afraid to fail, transforms paralyzingly self-conscious 'predicaments of culture' into confident 'ecstasies of feelings combined.' He has the guts, what is more, to confront himself and the spectators of his work.

His almost primitive or childish abstract impression of human figures in contrast with abstract backgrounds, his fascination for signs, lettering, text-parts and quotes transform into something alternative to the mainstream. His painting process starts off on an intuitive basis and from that stage on, the development of his work gets more and more conscious. Ben Game is extremely productive and generates a wealth of paintings and drawings. He works on canvas, paper and wooden panels with a variety of materials. 'My work should speak for itself', no further comments from the artist himself. His work visualizes his words and thoughts. In spite of the highly expressive and pure expression and values integrated within his paintings and drawings, some people have a hard time with his work. Difficult to describe and difficult to catch within a phrase or to put a tag on. Alternative, abstract, expressive, pure, primitive, confronting, intuitive childish and honest are some search engine key-words, worthy to tag his work with, or should it simply travel the art-world as BenGames' work…